Getting Started

In this section, we will install the Ocypode interpreter and run a simple Ocypode program.


First, let's install the Ocypode interpreter using Cargo:

cargo install ocypode-lang --locked

You can also build Ocypode from the source by running these commands:

git clone
cd ocypode
cargo build --release

Then you can find the binary in the target/release directory.

You can also download the binary from the releases page and put it in your PATH.


Each Ocypode program is a file with the .oy extension. The file name is the name of the program. For example, if you have a file named hello.oy, then the program name is hello.

Main function

The main function is the entry point of the program, and it's the first function that will be executed. The main function is a function that has the name main and it has argc and argv parameters. The argc parameter is the number of arguments that are passed to the program, and the argv parameter is an array of strings that contains the arguments that are passed to the program. And the main function returns an integer that will be the exit code of the program and it's optional (if you don't return anything, the exit code will be 0).

Hello world

Note: The details of functions will be explained in the functions section. This just a simple program that prints Hello world! to the standard output.

    println<"Hello world!">;


$ ocypode hello.oy
Hello world!


You can add comments to your Ocypode programs using / for single-line comments, and /* */ for multi-line comments.

    // This is a single line comment
    /* This is
        A multi line comment 